維生術 Vita-means

Graphic Design

美術設計 Art Design                 李侑勳 Dofa Li
平面設計 Graphic Design         李侑勳 Dofa Li   |  黃意恩 Yien Huang
動態設計 Motion Design           何荔枝 Lichee He  |  黃意恩 Yien Huang



音樂製作  |  巫康裘、高敬恒、楊咪
口白  |  林禹葳
體操表演  |  ​​​​​​​盧瑨

「維生術 Vita-Means」整理出都市中常見的事故傷害,以詼諧圖像取代冗長文字,利用圖像化的資訊彙整將預防與應變知識傳達給民眾,並且強調人們常誤解的迷思。維生術分成三個部分,第一部分診斷民眾的維生指數,第二部分服用書冊裡的維生知識,最後則是維生術體操,訓練遇到意外事故時肢體的敏捷度,而步驟化口號的搭配,更能加強記憶這些知識。

Thoughout one's life,danger and tragic accidents lurk around. Hence, it is very important for us to be able to deal with all possible contingencies.   
“Vita-Means” points out some common accidents in urban areas. Instead of using words, it delivers the knowledge of precautionary measures and the good and bad examples of how to respond when having those accidents in vivid pictures. Vita-Means is composed of three parts. The first part is to evaluate a person's “Vita-Means Quotient.” The second part is to introduce the “Vita-Means Book,” from which people can get the knowledge needed to prevent accidents. The final part is to learn the “Vita-Means Routine,” which people will practice their response to the accidents, and recite the procedure in order to keep the knowledge in mind.
Oftentimes, people get incomplete and erroneous accident-related information from their daily life, leading to “a lack of Vita-Means.” As a result, we try to use this innovative and easy way for people to understand, and to realize the importance of these kind of safety precautions.

維生術 Vita-means

維生術 Vita-means

「維生術」指的是在都市中面對各種事故傷害時的應變能力,這樣的能力是維持生命不可或缺的要素。 “Vita-Means” points out some common accidents in urban areas.
